Member-only story
Stop Searching For a Tribe to Join
When you’re already wanted by a tribe.
We are tribal people. We seek groups where we feel we belong and feel our voice matters.
For example, when you start writing online you’re told to find your tribe and your niche. And everything we do is about connecting with and encouraging your tribe. The group of people you feel you belong with.
Being with a tribe gives us a tribe mindset. That mindset says it’s us vs them. We think one train of thought is better than the other. Or we say this group of people is better than that group.
The us vs them mindset can cause real damage among the tribe that should matter most to us. Our family tribe. While you might consider your writing tribe, sports tribe, or church tribe your family take a step back and compare them with your real family — your parents, your siblings, or children.
You went out to find the other tribe. You wanted to feel like you belong and be somewhere you feel you are understood instead of staying where you are loved unconditionally.
Because that tribe or niche you’re in, the one you looked for doesn’t love you for you. They only like you for what you can do and like you because you share in the same like-mindedness.